Motor Direction
What to consider when moving to an Inverter
Inverters offer many benefits over traditional mechanical drives with fewer moving parts, larger speed ranges, broader horsepower range, and reduced maintenance. But they do have limitations the largest of which is their torque characteristics. sss
Electrical Service Types and Voltages
In commercial and industrial applications, voltages can be in excess of 1000kV. Most equipment supplied by DisperseTech will operate at one of several common voltages 208, 240, 480, and 600 volts.
Purged Cabinets and Enclosure Protection Systems
In 1967, the NFPA Technical Committee on Electrical Equipment in Chemical Atmospheres established recommended practices, entitled "NFPA 496 - Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment." Since then, the NFPA has expanded its document by adding recommendations for enclosure ventilation and dilution.
Defining Hazardous Areas
Today’s modern chemical facilities often contain both flammable gases and ignitable dust, which pose explosion risks. To prevent explosions from happening in harsh environments whereby flammable gases or combustible dusts are present directives and guidelines are put in place to protect both the public, workforce, and environment.
Equipment in Hazardous (classified) Locations
The need to place general-purpose equipment in hazardous (classified) locations is not new, yet in the last three decades, the need has grown dramatically.